Buttons shapes

Buttons are an essential part of any application. Buttons can have different shapes using the shape prop.

Default shape of all <BaseButton> can be set in your .app/app.config.ts.
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Buttons links

Buttons can be rendered as links. Use the to prop to set the link target url.

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Solid buttons

Buttons can have solid background colors. Use the flavor="solid" prop and the color prop to make solid buttons.

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Smaller solid buttons

Buttons can have a smaller size. Use the size prop with the sm value to make smaller buttons.

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Pastel buttons

Buttons can have pastel background colors. Use the flavor="pastel" prop and the color prop to make pastel buttons.

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Buttons can have a smaller size. Use the size prop with the sm value to make smaller buttons.

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Outline buttons

Buttons can have outline background colors. Use the flavor="outline" prop and the color prop to make outline buttons.

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Buttons can have a smaller size. Use the size prop with the sm value to make smaller buttons.

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Loading state

Buttons can be shown in a loading state. Use the loading prop to show a loading indicator.

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With icons

Buttons can have icons, both on the left and on the right. Use the Icon component inside the button slot to render the icon you need.

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Flat shadow

Buttons can have a flat shadow. Use the shadow="flat" prop to add shadows to your buttons.

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Hover shadow

Buttons can have a hover shadow. Use the shadow="hover" prop to add shadows to your buttons.

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Disabled state

Buttons can be shown in a disabled state. Use the disabled prop to disable the button.

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Button group

Buttons can be grouped together. Use them inside a BaseButtonGroup component.

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This component has no props